Lateral ankle soft tissue defects pose challenges, especially in cases due to chronic pressure from cross-legged sitting, which usually present with a large dead space, small skin opening that often accompanies an open joint. Traditional reconstruction methods using fasciocutaneous flaps may result in donor site morbidity such as delayed wound healing or nerve injury. In this article, we present a case of diabetes-related lateral ankle defect successfully treated using adiposal layer only flap, also known as pure fat flap.

The anatomy and the surgical technique of adiposal layer only flap were reviewed. These flaps preserve the subdermal plexus and deep fascia while obliterating dead space and providing a gliding surface for proper ankle movement. A perforator-based adiposal layer only flap was elevated from the peroneal artery and used to cover the defect.

Flap perfusion was confirmed using indocyanine green video angiography and color duplex ultrasound. Intraoperative indocyanine fluorescent angiography helps evaluate the perfusion of flaps, and all flap perfusion was checked with indocyanine fluorescent angiography after elevation and rotation of the flap to the lateral ankle defect. Postoperative care is also important because stretching of flap can result in damage in pedicle such as thrombosis or ischemia. Patient had a successful recovery with minimal donor site morbidity. The technique expands the reconstructive microsurgeon’s options for complex ankle coverage, ensuring optimal wound healing and functional outcomes.

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