Iodine is a trace element that is required to produce thyroid hormone. Some preoperative skin antiseptics and contrast media that are used in a variety of specialties (eg, cardiovascular, urology) contain iodine. Clinicians and patients may believe that a history of a reaction to shellfish, povidone-iodine, or radiopaque contrast media is an allergy requiring avoidance of all three substances. Because iodine is required for life and does not stimulate an immune response, there is no relationship between iodine and adverse reactions to iodine-containing products. Perioperative nurses should have knowledge of allergies associated with iodine-containing substances and should assess patients for allergies.

During the assessment process, they can seek input on the cause of any previous reactions and share information on allergies with the patient. They also can collaborate with leaders and information technology personnel to update the electronic health record to avoid documentation of iodine as an allergen.

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