On the 20th of November, IBreastBook are hosting a webinar on Chest Wall Perforators with speakers including Peter Barry (London,UK), Amit Agrawal (Cambridge, UK), Andreas Karakatsanis (Uppsala, Sweden), and Andrii Zhygulin (Kiev, Ukraine), Panelist will include Ash Kothari (London, UK), Omar Omar (Cairo, Egypt) and Yazan Masannat (Aberdeen, Scotland).
This is the 22nd iBreastBook webinar on the 20th of November 2021 at 17:00 UK time. The webinar will be in English with a second Channel in Spanish with immediate translation by Ricardo Pardo (Bolton, England).
Registration details: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tyFHk9XJRGCl1sdTNEiheQ